Report for Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center

The table of average charges for inpatient cases shows the average charges for different types of inpatient stays. This table can be filtered by "medical" admission or "surgical" admission. The data is grouped by medical condition or surgery. For example, "seizures" or "liver transplant." Within each case type the average charges are categorized by day ranges. These show the average charges for stays lasting one-to-two days, three-to-six days, seven-to-14 days and greater than 14 days for each of the case types for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2022. These average charges are a combination of all the different services provided to patients with these medical conditions. Your doctor may be able to give you an estimate of how long you will need to be in the hospital for your specific condition.

In all cases except where noted, this does not include the prices for physician services — this is for hospital services only.